I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone, if you have a project that you would like to have built, or reupholstered please don’t hold off getting in touch with us. I say this because it only takes a few projects to tie our work shop up for months. It is not uncommon for us to be booked ahead by 6 to 12 weeks, and that’s before we can start a new project, not finish one and this does not take holidays into account. As a master craftsman, I do not relish the stress of deadlines. As a business man I understand work must be completed in a timely manner, bills have to be paid. It is always a balancing act between the two. But with proper planning the two can and do work together, so please plan accordingly, I really don’t like to see people disappointed, but I refuse to let deadlines become the master. Your years of satisfaction with quality workmanship and art are worth far more.
Proper Planning Makes All The Difference
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